Our Animals
Mystic Aquarium is home to thousands of aquatic animals. From marine mammals, to birds, to fish, invertebrates, and reptiles, over 300 different species call Mystic Aquarium home. Regardless of whether they have fins, flippers, feathers, or fur, our animal ambassadors provide essential connections to our ocean planet and its conservation. Our dedicated and talented handling staff provides them with round-the-clock, top-notch care!
All Animals at Mystic Aquarium
Marine Mammals
Beluga whale
California sea lion
Northern fur seal
Spotted seal
Harbor seal
Grey seal
Steller sea lion
African penguin
Lake sturgeon
Atlantic sturgeon
Spotted gar
Longnose gar
Alligator gar
Green moray eel
spotted garden eel
Redhook silver dollar
Banded leporinus
River hatchetfish
Black tetra
Rummynose tetra
Glowlight tetra
Ember tetra
Red phantom tetra
Redeye tetra
Emperor tetra
Neon tetra
False rummynose tetra
Silver dollars
Redbellied Piranha
Pictus Cat
Spotted corydoras
Corydoras panda
Otto catfish
Farlowella catfish
Black ghost knifefish
Electric eel
Oyster toadfish
Painted frogfish
Redtail splitfin
Longjaw squirrelfish
Black bar soldierfish
Sabre squirrelfish
Dusky squirrelfish
Janss' pipefish
Lined seahorse
Pacific seahorse
Pacific spiny lumpsucker
Chalk bass
Chequered perchlet
Bartlett's basslet
Lyretail anthias
Graysby grouper
Rock hind
Blue and yellow grouper
Giant grouper
Yellow dottyback
Royal Gramma
Yellow head jawfish
Black crappie
Pajama cardinalfish
Banggai cardinalfish
Mexican barred snapper
Bluestrip snapper
Smallmouth grunt
Cottonwick grunt
White grunt
Glassy sweeper
Silver moony
African moony
Threadfin butterflyfish
Pakistani butterflyfish
Reef butterflyfish
Copperband butterflyfish
Coral beauty
Blue angelfish
Queen angel
Bluering angelfish
Grey angelfish
French angelfish
Sixbar angelfish
Redspotted hawkfish
Arc eye hawkfish
Pearl cichlid
Orange chromide cichlid
Banded cichlid
True parrot cichlid
Livingstoni cichlid
Zebra mbuna
Altum angel
Heckel discus
Sergeant major
Tomato clownfish
Common clownfish
Pink skunk clownfish
Blue chromis
Purple chromis
Blue-green chromis
Azure demoiselle
Three-striped damselfish
Yellowtail damselfish
Neon damselfish
Lemon damsel
Ocellate damselfish
Spinecheek anemonefish
Spanish hogfish
Harlequin tusk
Tail-spot wrasse
Cleaner wrasse
Black spotted wrasse
Princess parrotfish
Convict blenny
Mandarin dragonet
Spotted prawn gobby
Masked goby
Yellow watchman goby
Citron clown goby
Indian mudskipper
Firefish goby
Two-barred rabbitfish
Foxface rabbitfish
Achilles tang
Ocean sturgeon
Blue tang
Powder blue tang
Chocolate tang
Yellowfin tang
Tomini tang
Hippo tang
Desjardin's sailfin tang
Yellow tang
Sailfin tang
Purple sailfin tang
Queen triggerfish
Clown triggerfish
Black triggerfish
Pink tailed triggerfish
Picasso triggerfish
Starry puffer
Freckled porcupinefish
Spotted wobbegong
Whitespotted bamboo shark
Brownbanded bamboo shark
Epaulette shark
Zebra shark
Nurse shark
Sand tiger shark
Chain dogfish
Dusky smooth-hound
Little skate
Atlantic stingray
Bluespotted ribbontail ray
Yellow stingray
Cownose ray
Sea Jellies
Leidy's comb jelly
Comb jelly
Atlantic bay nettle
Crystal jelly
Pacific sea nettle
Moon jelly
Egg yolk jelly
Mangrove upside-down jellyfish
Hawaiian cleaner shrimp
Blood shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
Pacific spot prawn
American lobster
Ridged slipper lobster
Left-handed hermit crab
Zebra hermit crab
Blue-legged hermit crab
Halloween hermit crab
Red-legged hermit crab
Flatclaw hermit crab
Green crab
Pompom crab
Halloween crab
Japanese giant spider crab
Emerald crab
Arrow crab
Portly spider crab
Green turtle
Common snapping turtle
Spotted turtle
Diamondback terrapin
Chinese box turtle
Star tortoise
Desert tortoise
Florida softshell turtle
Bearded dragon
Saharan Uromastyx
Leopard Gecko
Wiegmann's striped gecko
Yellow-throated plated lizard
Sudan plated lizard
Prehensile-tailed skink
Peter's banded skink
Blue tongue skink
Amazon tree boa
Brazilian rainbow boa
Timor python
Ball python
Spotted salamander
Tiger salamander
Anderson's Crocodile newt
Kaiser's newt
Emporer newt
Panamanian golden frog
Smooth-sided toad
Cane toad
Three-striped poison frog
Green poison dart frog
Blue poison dart frog
Bumblebee poison dart frog
Anthony's poison dart frog
Golfodulcean poison frog
Gray tree frog
Red-eyed tree frog
Ornate horned frog
Golden mantella
Betsileo golden mantella
Tomato frog
African bullfrog
Wood frog
Bird poop frog
Mossy frog
Madagascar hissing cockroach
Pink Toe Tarantula
Sea Urchins/Sand Dollars
Caribbean pencil urchin
Red imperial urchin
Black long spine urchin
Atlantic purple sea urchin
Banded sea urchin
Rock boring urchin
Purple sea urchin
Sea Stars
Sea star
Chocolate-chip sea star
Bat star
Leather star
Bay sea star
Blunt spined sea star